Welcome to my blog! Here you will have the opportunity to improve your English and get to know interesting facts about this language!
I hope you learn and get the most out of it!! Inma Melgar

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

HELLO CHANNEL. A channel to learn English!

That's a great way to practise your listening! Click here and enjoy the videos!

Why don't you aim at listening at least one video a week? Your ability to listen and understand English would improve immediately!

If you are still doubting if you'll click on this link or not, please watch this video and get to know more about why you should learn English!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Enjoy the song

Depeche Mode "Enjoy the silence" (LYRICS)

1) Listen carefully to these words and classify them according to the pronunciation of the letter "i":/ai/, /i/ (short i), /i:/ (long i), schwa (between e and a)


2) Pay attention to the pronunciation of -ed in wanted and needed. How are they pronounced?

3) What's the meaning of

4) Derivatives:

a. The suffixes -ful, -able and -less are attached to words to form adjectives. Look for three adjectives with these endings in the song. What do they mean?
b. What new words could you create from: understand, harm and arm? Look up the dictionary if necessary.
c. Which sense does the suffix -less add to a word? And the prefix un- (unnecessary)?

5) What's the difference between break, crash, and pierce? and between harm and pain?

Monday, November 15, 2010

The story of a hero dog

What kind of dog was it?LabradorGerman ShepherdPoodle

What was the dog's name?

What happened to Buddy's house?
It was destroyed by a volcanoIt was leveled by a hurricaneIt caught on fire

What did Buddy's owner ask him to do?
Go get helpGo get the policeGet some water

How did the troopers learn about the problem?
they saw the smokea neighbor called for helpBuddy led them to the house

What was the major cause of the fire?
A heaterA ChemistThe fireplace

How many people died in the fire?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Have you ever eaten meat with gravy?

I don't know why, but British love gravy... Watch the video and do these activities. Then, send them to my email.

What kind of meat does the speaker recommend you to use gravy with?
Where is the fat taken from?
When does the fat rise to the top of the bowl?
What are the ingredients of the roux?
How do you keep the roux from burning?
When do you know the roux is done?
What is the final step after seasoning it?

Sunday, October 31, 2010


This is one of the songs from the fantastic film Nightmare before Christmas...Watch the video and do this activity (try to do it before you read the lyrics):

- Recognize words related to Halloween whose initials are...

NOUNS: p__________, d_________, f___________, sh________, sk_________
t__________ or t__________,
ANIMALS: s_________, s_________ VERBS: s________, d__________, h___________, ADJECTIVES: sh________, s_________, m________ COLOURS; r______, b________


You can also enjoy the remake of the original song which is as scary as the singer, Marilyn Manson.
This is one of the main songs from the fantastic film Nightmare before Christmas...

Watch the video and do this activity (try to do it before you read the lyrics):

- Recognize words related to Halloween whose initials are...

NOUNS: p__________, d_________, f___________, sh________, sk_________
t__________ or t__________,
ANIMALS: s_________, s_________
VERBS: s________, d__________, h___________,
ADJECTIVES: sh________, s_________, m________
COLOURS; r______, b_______

You can also enjoy the remake of the original song which is as scary as the singer, Marilyn Manson.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Catherine Tate Show

Catherine Tate Show is a popular British sketch comedy on BBC 2. Catherine Tate is the star in all these sketches and plays a diverse range of characters.
Perhaps the most famous is Lauren, an argumentative and lazy teenage girl who gets out of embarrassing situations by repeating her catchphrase, "Am I bovvered?" (“I don’t care”) or "Look at my face, is my face bovvered? Face? Bovvered?" (“Look at my face" "Do you think I care?”). That's the way Catherine Tate caricatures British chavs.
Watch this video and try to understand it ignoring the subtitles first (although I know it’s a bit difficult). Then, answer these questions:
-Find a synonym for “big”
- How do you say "Coca-Cola Light" in English?
- What’s the difference between “employer” and “employee”?
- Lauren is exaggerating her friend's comment “you will sell burgers for the rest of your life”. Say an example of what she answers back.
- What happens at 1:00?
- Why is it so funny her comment “look at my face” just at this moment?
-Lauren is denying the evidence all the time. How would you describe her? Do you like her?